New GREEN Programs offered at Pinellas County Extension

earth with leaves around itMary Campbell, Pinellas County Extension Director and Urban Sustainability Director

Pinellas County Extension has some new programs to get your life going in the “green” direction. Have you been wondering what all the talk is about with “green”? Everywhere we turn, businesses, governments and residents are talking about making more green (environmentally friendly) or sustainable (good for the economy, environment and society) decisions. Extension programs offer an easy and inexpensive way to learn all the newest information on going green.

Here is a sample of upcoming programs: (click here to register)

Green Office – Everyone is going “green”. Learn some simple and practical ways to create a “green office.” Go green and save resources, money and reduce impacts on our environment. Learn the basic principles of green purchasing to make better decisions about what you buy.

Green Living – Learn about easy ways to green up your life through energy conservation, green purchasing and sustainable living. See what everyone is talking about to reduce impacts on our environment, save money and reduce your Ecological Footprint. It would take four Earths to sustain the world at the level we are currently using resources and generating waste in the U.S. Be a part of the solution for future generations.

Green Purchasing – Learn the basics of how to find and select greener products for the home and office. Have you ever wondered if the “green” product you bought is really green? Find out how to evaluate products based on standard criteria and the importance of buying recycled and energy efficient products.

Green Home – Learn easy ways to green-up your home through energy conservation, green purchasing and sustainable living. Have you ever though about protecting your home’s indoor environment? We will explore ways to save money and the environment with simple steps to get you started.

Check the Calendar on the Pinellas County Extension website for a full listing of programs.

Sign up today to learn fun and easy ways to go green. Programs are also offered on-line through Webinar. It is a quick and convenient way to take one of our classes at your own computer. No special equipment necessary. You may listen on-line or by phone (long distance charges apply). Questions may be submitted on-line to the instructor.

Advantages of Webinar:

FAST – No wasted time here. Get right to the heart of the matter in a1-hour block designed to easily fit into your busy schedule.

CONVENIENT – No travel. No time out of the office.Listen from the comfort and convenience of your desk.

EASY – A telephone is all the equipment you need. Just dial in, punch in your access code, and you’re in. That’s it. Follow along with the audio conference handouts provided in advance.

ACTIONABLE – Our audio conferences provide practical information you can start using right when you hang up the phone.

IDEAL FOR MULTIPLE LISTENERS – Use a speakerphone and as many people asyou want can listen in – at no extra cost to you.


Posted: October 13, 2008

Category: UF/IFAS Extension

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