4-H Camping Programs Provide Fun, Friends And Education This Summer

Aimee Huskey

Jerry Culen jrcu@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu, (352) 846-0996 ext. 250

GAINESVILLE, FLA. — Campfires, snorkeling, fun and friends are just a few of the activities part of county and state 4-H camping programs this summer. State level camps include seven weeks of marine camp and environmental “Ed -Venture” camp, as well as senior 4-H camp. Many county 4-H programs also offer summer residential camp for a week.

“Camp provides hands-on activities to keep kids interested as well as challenging them,” said Jerry Culen, associate professor in the University of Florida’s department of family, youth and community sciences. “The summer camps hosted at the 4-H centers are an excellent way for youth to learn about their environment while having fun and making friends that can last a lifetime.”

A new marine camp at Crystal River will explore the Crystal River Estuary and gulf ecosystems with field trips and boating excursions to collection sites. Youth also can choose from environmental “Ed-Venture” camps hosted at Camp Ocala and Camp Cloverleaf or the state marine camps held at Camp Timpoochee. Senior 4-H Camp at Camp Cloverleaf is a week where senior 4-H members can explore their leadership potential and enjoy a one-day trip to Busch Gardens.

The 4-H camping centers are part of UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Staff members hail from Florida and all over the world, offering youth a chance to interact with and explore other cultures.

Youth learn team building and leadership through educational and recreational experiences planned by county extension agents and camp staff. The chance to interact with other youth is a positive experience offered through camping programs, according to Damon Miller, assistant dean for 4-H and state 4-H leader.

For more information on 4-H summer education programs visit the Web site at http://4h.ifas.ufl.edu or contact the county extension office in your area for a list of 4-H educational opportunities.

Environmental “Ed-Venture” Camp Cost: $175.00 per camper, ages 8-14
July 9-13 Camp Ocala Registration Deadline June 25
July 16-20 Camp Ocala Registration Deadline July 2
July 23-27 Camp Ocala Registration Deadline July 9
July 23-27 Camp Cloverleaf Registration Deadline July 9
Daily snack and camp t-shirt are included in camp fees.

State Marine Camps Cost: $175.00 per camper, ages 8-14
July 9-13 Camp Timpoochee Registration Deadline June 25
July 23-27 Camp Timpoochee Registration Deadline July 9
Daily snack and camp t-shirt are included in camp fees.

Senior 4-H Camp Cost: $160.00 per camper, ages 13-18
July 30 to August 3 Camp Cloverleaf Registration Deadline July 16
Daily snack and camp t-shirt are included in camp fees.

Marine Camp at Crystal River Cost: $235.00 per camper, ages 13-18
June 18-22 Crystal River Registration Deadline June 4


Haley Walker, 8, of Liberty County, takes a break from canoeing at 4-H Camp Timpoochee near Niceville to get her face painted in red, white and blue during a week at 4-H summer camp.

Media can obtain photos by contacting Ami Neiberger, state 4-H public relations coordinator, (352) 846-0996 ext. 237, aneiberger@mail.ifas.ufl.edu. Specify deadline and format needed. We can email photos as well as send via standard mail.

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Posted: May 25, 2001

Category: UF/IFAS

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