2020 Project & Record Book Plan

Project and Record Books are due June 1st.

We will be receiving Record books, Clover Awards, and project posters. Please read the following guidelines for the process as it is different from year’s past.

Project and Record books are an important piece of the 4-H year, and serve as a fair point for many of our youth. They can be received either May 30 or June 1st from 9 am to 5 pm.

For more details on these books, download the reports needed, or how to earn a blue on this year’s project, read this BLOG.

This year we will have 2 options for receiving books.

Drop Off in the Mail Slot


Please make sure that your project or record book is complete, signed, and ready. You can place your books anytime through the mail slot at the Callahan office only. Books will be untouched for a minimum of 1 week.

With that in mind, please remember:

  1. If there is anything missing (reports, signatures, pages) agents will not be able to check it for at least a week, meaning if you turn in an incomplete book last minute it may be deemed incomplete/ineligible.
  2. If you have questions about your youth’s book, call us before turning it in! Once it drops it must sit for a week and we will be unable to work with it specifically before that time.


In Person Drop Off

To keep our staff and you safe, we are requesting that all books and award forms be completed before arriving.

  1. There will be a table set up under the awning near our Callahan Office front door between the hours of 9 am and 5pm on both May 30 and June 1.
  2. Please make sure all your items are neatly together, signed, and ready. Please place it in the box on the table in the bin.
  3. Please stay in your car if their is another family at the table. There will be no entry into the front doors. (This is for the safety of our staff).
  4. We will provide hand sanitizer if you need to use a pen or touch any items.
    5. This will be a DROP OFF only! If you have questions please call the office us BEFORE to let us know you’ll need one on one assistance.

All books will sit untouched for 7 days in the sun. This will delay the time needed for grading but will ensure the safety of our staff and agents.

We look forward to reading your reports, and of course reach out to us if you have any questions!


Posted: May 22, 2020

Category: Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: Nassau County 4-H, Project Book, Record Book

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