Q: I gave into the request of my grand children to have a live tree while they were visiting me over the Thanksgiving holiday. Now I am stuck with this tree and I am afraid it will become a fire hazard before New Year’s Day has arrived. Any hints for me?

A:The most important thing to do is to keep water in the tree stand at all times. No need to add any of those elaborate additives suggested by well meaning advisors, just plain, clean water will do fine. A well, hydrated tree is less likely to drop large amounts of its needles and more importantly it is also less likely to become a fire hazard. Just a couple of other important hints, keep the tree away from direct heat sources – fire places, candles or space heaters. Cover up the tree stand with fabric as this will make it less tempting for Fido, who might consider it another source of water similar to his own water bowl. Remove the tree after New Year’s Day, keeping it any longer will cause it to become a nuisance as more and more needles begin to fall. There are Boy Scout troops in some areas willing to pick up and recycle live Christmas trees. Please contact your local scouts to determine if they are participating in this worthy venture.


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Posted: July 18, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Christmas Tree

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