Crape Myrtles resistant to powdery mildew

The best way to avoid powdery mildew is to plant one of the cultivars bred and selected for resistance to powdery mildew. Additionally, crape myrtle should be planted in sunny locations allowing free air movement so wet foliage dries quickly.

Remember these trees are drought tolerant and after establishment require little water. Watering them twice a week as we do lawns in the summer is excessive for these trees.

Keep the lawn grass as far away as possible as the weed killers we often use on grass should not be used near trees. Trees and grass are terrible partners.

If you mulch, we would recommend 2-3 inch application of a pine product but be sure it does not touch the trunk of any tree or shrub. We never recommend using rock as it compacts the soil and retains heat.

The following cultivars are showing excellent or good resistance to powdery mildew: Semi-dwarf (15 feet) – Acoma (white), Caddo (pink), Hope (blush-white), Pecos (pink), and Tonto (red). Intermediate (up to 20 feet) – Apalachee (orange), Centennial Spirit (dark red), Christiana (deep red), Comanche (coral pink), Hopi (pink), Lipan (red-lavender), Near East (pink), Osage (pink), Osage Blush (pink), Sioux (pink), and Yuma (lavender). Full tree (over 20 feet) – Basham’s Party Pink (lavender pink), Biloxi (pink), Choctaw (pink), Fantasy (white), Kiowa (white), Miami (pink), Muskogee (lavender pink), Natchez (white), Townhouse (white), Tuscarora (coral pink), Tuskegee (pink), Twilight (dark purple), and Wichita (lavender).


Posted: March 3, 2017

Category: Home Landscapes
Tags: Powdery Mildew Resistent Crape Myrtles

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