Jackson 4-H Buddy Camp – Making History!

The ASK 4-H Jackson County – Always Support Kids Club made history by hosting the first Jackson 4-H Buddy Camp at Camp Timpoochee! This is only the second camp of it’s kind, specifically designed for youth and families affected by Autism and other learning disorders.

Picture courtesy of Ann Marie Shelton.

Seven Jackson 4-H youth and their parents were joined by three youth and their parents from the ASK 4-H Madison County Club. This opportunity would not have been possible without support from the Chipola Area Autism Resource Center, ASK 4-H Club Leader Ann Marie Shelton, volunteers Syntha Alvarez, Amanda Gillean, and Leslie McLeod, Jackson 4-H Agent Angel Granger, Madison 4-H Agent Becky Rucki, and 4-H Camp Directors Neva Baltzell (4-H Camp Cherry Lake) and Ariel Blanton (4-H Camp Timpoochee).

Picture courtesy of Ann Marie Shelton.


Youth and their parents were able to experience residential camp during the two-day, one-night camp held June 22nd and 23rd. They participated in the flag lowering and raising ceremonies. Camp staff worked one-on-one with participants in archery, snorkeling, marine biology, fishing, and outdoor skills. The youth enjoyed a movie night, a campfire with s’mores and the traditional “goodbye” ceremony on the last evening of camp.

4-H is open to all youth and we are very excited to have been able to offer this opportunity to our 4-H families. We look forward to offering more activities of this kind.

Visit the ASK 4-H Jackson County – Always Support Kids Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ASK-4-H-Jackson-County-Always-Support-Kids-300561483657693/ or contact Ann Marie Shelton at caarcinfo@gmail.com for more information regarding this club.

4-H offers a broad spectrum of projects and activities to serve a variety of interests, skills, and knowledge. If you or someone you know would like to learn more about the Jackson County 4-H Youth Development program, please visit the 4-H Youth Development page at http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/jackson/4-h/. You may also contact the 4-H Office at (850) 482-9620 or email amgranger@ufl.edu.


Posted: July 3, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: Autism, Buddy Camp, Camp Timpoochee

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