Volunteer Reminder and Resources

World of Educational Resources

Volunteer Reminder and Resources

Time is flying and we know how busy everyone is. This is a reminder to volunteers of a couple of items that have deadlines that are fast approaching.

Please remind your new and current youth and volunteers to complete their 4-H enrollments. Also, new and renewing club charters need to be submitted to the 4-H Office ASAP.

Year end reporting is due as well. If you have not already done so, please compile your club meeting, teaching and community service data and submit it to the 4-H office.

All of the forms needed can be found at the Florida4H.org site http://florida4h.org/clubs/resources/#organizing and on the Jackson 4-H webpage https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/jacksonco/4-h-tools-and-resources/ .

A short compilation of resources from both pages can be viewed here. 4h-volunteer-and-club-materials-and-resources_2016

Please contact the 4-H office if you have any questions.



Posted: October 19, 2016

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers

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