1st Quarter 2013 Florida Timber Market Summary

Timber Mart-South chart shows the general trends of the timber market in the Southern US over the past six years.
Timber Mart-South chart shows the general trends of the timber market in the Southern US over the past six years.

Timber Mart-South Summary, 1st Quarter, 2013

Source: Chris Demers, UF/IFAS Forest Stewardship Coordinator

The information in the following table of average Florida timber prices was extracted from the Timber Mart-South first quarter 2013, released in April 2013. This information, compiled from many sources, is very useful for observing trends over time, but may not necessarily reflect current conditions at a particular location. In addition to general market conditions, prices vary from sale to sale depending on tract size and access; quality, quantity, and size of timber; distance to mills; and other market conditions. Landowners considering a timber sale would be wise to let a consulting forester help them obtain the best current prices.

Timber Mart-South is compiled and produced at the Center for Forest Business, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, under contract with the Frank W. Norris Foundation, a non-profit corporation serving the forest products industry. See http://www.tmart-south.com/ for information on subscriptions.
Timber Mart-South is compiled and produced at the Center for Forest Business, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, under contract with the Frank W. Norris Foundation, a non-profit corporation serving the forest products industry. See http://www.tmart-south.com/ for information on subscriptions.

Posted: April 26, 2013

Category: Agriculture
Tags: 1st Quarter, 2013, Forestry, Market, Panhandle Agriculture, Timber Market Summary

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