Flood Response: Helpful Resources for After the Flood

The month of May and after is going to be a time of recovery for Northwest Florida. On April 30th, 2014 many residents awoke, if they slept at all, to drenched neighborhoods and all of the damage and destruction that followed. This storm took most by surprise. Though recovery may be slow and tough at times we are continually compiling information to help residents deal with flooding issues related to their homes and landscapes.

The following of various fact sheets to help you after the flood:




Avoiding Fraud

These websites will provide help and resources:

Extension Disaster Education Network (Floods): http://eden.lsu.edu/TOPICS/HAZARDS/FLOODS/Pages/Default.aspx

  • Contains many resources, links and topics that can help before, during and after the flood.

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): www.floodsmart.gov

  • A great site to help you through flood impacts, resources, and the preparation & recovery tab will be especially helpful.

Turn Around Don’t Drown: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/os/water/tadd/

  • Resources to share about how to stay safe during the flood.

Disaster Preparedness & Recovery: http://solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu/disaster_prep/

  • Contains general information and resources for preparation and recovery from natural disasters.

Keep up with your local area emergency management departments, county extension offices, and local health departments to keep up on the local issues. Many resources are available on Facebook as well, including volunteer opportunities. Like your local University of Florida IFAS Extension pages in your counties.

Optional sites of interest (these are not official University of Florida sites):



Posted: May 2, 2014

Category: Coasts & Marine, Health & Nutrition, Water
Tags: Disaster Recovery, Flood, Response, Safety

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